Sunday 18 November 2018

Riding The Current Towards Christmas

This week, our boarders - in addition to their weekly academic trials and challenges in lessons - rode the current of an exciting weekend, which was full of opportunities to come together, have fun and experience fellowship.

The Malawi Market opened proceedings on Friday evening, with local stalls and craft traders selling their produce to our many visitors; and the school’s Open Arms Malawi representatives were crafting and selling their goods in the Theatre Foyer. Our boarders enjoyed contributing to their profits, which were donated to the Open Arms Malawi Infant Home – an organisation very close to Kingswood’s heart.

Saturday entailed its usual array of sports matches, with our boarders also making their customary trip to town afterwards. This week, for our Saturday night movie entertainment, our Captains of Boarding opted to watch a true-life story about a sailing couple who inadvertently found themselves navigating a hurricane at sea: Adrift.


The film was a tale of the resilience of the human spirit and the transcendent power of love; befitting themes for any point in time! 

The formerly mentioned spirit was certainly seen this Sunday as our boarders enjoyed ten-pin bowling in Bath for our weekly excursion! In typical fashion, there was time for competition and communion alike, all aspects enjoyed and embraced by everyone. After bowling, the boarders had some time enjoying Bath's city centre again, buoyed by the festive decorations and Christmas Market stalls that are slowly taking shape:

Ready for action!

Peace and Love to you too, Ryan.

Kim: "And that's how you make your tongue Blue!"

They're all in this together!

The Bath Christmas Market will be with us shortly...

A particularly beautiful, and traditional, Christmas display.

So as we look ahead to this coming week, we are grateful for the opportunities afforded to us by this one. We thank you, our readers, for continuing to take an interest in boarding life at Westwood and for following us on Twitter (@KWS_Westwood). We hope you enjoy the news that we bring to you, whatever the distance between us. We look forward to updating you soon; until next time…