Sunday 10 December 2017

Westwood host KSI pupils from Suyu Primary and Middle Schools in China

We have been hosting six Chinese pupils from the SuYu school group in SuQian (near Shanghai).  Alice, Kai, Lassie, George, Kevin and Jason have done remarkbaly well considering they only arrived in the UK on Thursday. They have been surprised by the cold and have not taken their coats off inside. They are being hosted in lessons by Rachel, Dasha, Yuma and, Robert, William and Vic, but all the boarders deserve credit for making them feel so welcome. They slept well on Saturday night after a quick visit with Mr Musto to Bath after a few hours in Oxford en route to Bath. Mr Musto has been working to establish KSI. After brunch and some sports hall action we walked into town in the snow! This caused great excitement as many boarders saw it for the first time ever! There was a little whinging as we walked through the snow to town and the bus back up the hill was more popular.  The pupils laughed a lot during the performance of Snow White. Typical slapstick comedy with many female characters played by men and many funny songs to well-known tunes. A few more adult jokes in places and lots of audience participation. A typical Christmas outing.

 Essential viewing between school and the theatre- Bath's Royal Crescent

Waiting for Snow White Pantomime to begin!

 Time for ice cream - local speciality

 New friends
 Different flavours


Westwood in the snow!

We hope our guests enjoy their stay. A top day out. Goodnight from Westwood. Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thursday 7 December 2017

Westwood Boarders' Christmas Talent Show ...what a night!

I am surprised you have not read on Twitter or other social media platform about the 'epic' Westwood Talent Show hosted by Vic and Yuma on Tuesday night. A terrific hour of variety entertainment. We had magic, dancing, piano playing, poetry reciting, joke telling, singing in various languages, dressing up, Rubik cube exploits, an original sketch and a lot of laughs a long the way. VIPs included Mr J M Davies, Mr Opie, Miss Wright and our German Assistant, Carolina and Spanish Assistant, Laura; both of whom have carried out duties this term in the House. It was lovely to see pupil ownership of the event and my thanks to our comperes and to Yuma for putting the programme largely together complete with PowerPoint presentation. Thanks again to Connie, our official photographer. Enjoy the pics.

 Let the show begin!
 Opening number in Chinese!
 Marco the Magician weaved a spell

 Topical poem on bullying
 Awful jokes
 Serious poetry thanks to John McCrae recited by Rachel
 Final peep talk from Praeasha
 Quick digits
 Guest appearance from Year 9 Ellie - a little Sam Smith
 Kenneth and William funked it up with a remix version of Psy's Gang Nam Style
 A reflective piece from Sophie
 William made us laugh with his poem about the oddities of English!
 Cup Song special

 Note to self, invest in higher chair next year - sorry, Isabella
 Thomas attempting a Guiness World Record - ten T-Shirts in a minute with Marcus, official timekeeper

 Spot of Adèle from Eleanor
 Songs from Ayomikun and Kezzy

Sunday 3 December 2017

At the dawn of Advent...

Advent is upon us; the season of promise and preparation for Christmas. Our boarders are certainly enjoying the anticipation through the regular indulgence of festive songs, house decorating and seasonal meals. Such activities comprised the majority of Saturday, as did our usual array of sporting fixtures. In the spirit of the season, fun was had by many of our boarders that evening as they watched:

Sunday was an extremely action packed day, comprising early afternoon shopping at Cribbs Causeway, followed by Ten Pin Bowling. Upon returning to school and after a quick turnaround, our boarders came together for a special Advent Service in the Chapel, followed by an exceptional meal provided by our catering team. We are grateful to enjoy such privilege here at Kingswood; we look forward to further celebrations together as the term begins to draw to a close. Until next week...

 Our time at Hollywood Bowl

Olivia, Yuma, Ishika, Connie, Dasha, Hohona, Katya forming a formidable team!
Suruchi lighting up the lanes...
The young guns having a go!
Vladislav delivers a bowl: From Russia with Love

Celebrating our Advent Meal together - Photos are courtesy of Connie's top photography!
Marcus does not seem amused...Vic wonders why?
William, on the other hand...
DJ Dasha is in da hooooouse....Wasssuuuuupppp Westwoooood???!!!

Rachel, Yuma, Isabella and Sophia enjoying each other's company!
Ryan, Callum, Freddie and Marco embracing the occasion.

Katya, Hohona and Monica spreading the peace and love!

"Lauren, there is no spoon..."
The finest food was provided.