Friday 8 September 2017

Great first few days and Friday Night Fun!

Mrs Curtis, Mr Thatcher, Mrs Duke and I have been hugely impressed by all 38 boarders this week. Our newbies are getting used to life in Westwood and the old hands are being very helpful.  Miss Wright, Head of Boarding, popped in tonight to chat to the new recruits, as did Mr Opie, Deputy Head and the Chaplain, Reverend Hull. They all liked the newly decorated dormitories. Tonight we played a typical UK children's birthday party game involving a dice, gloves, a rugby scrum cap, a tray, a knife and fork and a large bar of chocolate. Ask your son or daughter about it!! Robin, the prefect on duty, ate the most chocolate. There was a great atmosphere. Many pupils are involved in hockey and rugby matches, town beckons in the afternoon and we will watch a film as a house tomorrow night. Hope this finds you well.

 Vladislav gets ready to eat chocolate having thrown a six!
 Monica in a rush to eat!
 Noelina gets stuck in!
 Katya shows good cutlery control!

 Robin shows his Westwood boarding experience as he feasts.

Eleanor after all the chocolate has gone. A top night had by all.