Sunday 15 September 2019

Week 2 - Pizza, Hike and Sunshine

Bath has been blessed by an Indian Summer which was great for those playing sport and on the Year 8 Hike, too. Yesterday a good number of the Year 8 girls had hockey and the boys rugby. The film last night chosen by the Year 8 girls was Liar Liar starring the hilarious Jim Carey.
 Whilst Arcus, Max and Unnav headed off on the hike the rest of the House headed on foot (always easier down the hill). We were taken through our pizza experience with the affable Alex. We learnt to crink the edges of the dough to get a good crust before adding our toppings as shown below.
 We all had to wear the correct head gear and an apron!
 Alex taking us through the basics!
 Tomato base.
 Pepporoni proved very popular along with chicken, ham and olives.

 A few even added Jalepenos and spinach.

 Ready for baking!

 These need to be baked!
 Suhang gives his pizza the seal of approval


 The pizza turned James (after he had eaten everyone's leftovers) into a Marvel character!
 Evidence that Bath is gearing up for the Rugby World Cup in Mrs Duke's home country, Japan.
 Having eaten well, we all played Danish Long Ball - check out the blue sky!

The boarders were great company this weekend and friendships are being cemented. Do check out @KWS_Westwood for more comments and photos.