Sunday 27 January 2019

Week 3 - A Scottish Party (and some Basketball)!

Westwood boarders were treated this weekend; the week's work came to a close with the promise of fun to follow. A change to the usual Saturday night agenda saw an evening trip to see a Basketball fixture in Bristol, as The Bristol Flyers took on Cheshire Phoenix. Mr. Duke led the trip and writes of the evening:

"Westwood boarders and a number of senior boy boarders headed to Bristol to watch the Flyers take on the Cheshire Phoenix in the British Basketball League at packed a SGS College Arena in Filton. The atmosphere was great and very loud. There was plenty of good natured booing as the opposition players took free throws. The boarders really enjoyed a close match which went in the Phoenix’s favour despite a spirited fightback in the last quarter which saw the lead cut from 12 to 3 points. The final score was 63-68. The hot dogs, pizza and other refreshments were enjoyed as was the chance at half-time to shoot some hoops on the court. Mr Mansfield (Artist in Residence) and Praeasha Limbu were the most accurate shooters. After the match there was much excitement grabbing selfies and autographs with the players.  A top evening’s entertainment." 

After an invaluable opportunity to have some down-time this Sunday, the boarders indulged in a more cultural affair this evening as the Kingswood boarding community came together to celebrate Burns Night. In remembrance and celebration of the eminent Scottish poet Robert Burns, the evening comprised: a Bagpipe procession; a traditional 2-course Scottish meal; and a toast to the 'Lassies' and 'Laddies'. A Ceilidh followed the Burns Night supper and a great deal of fun was had by all. We hope you enjoy the images and videos below that capture another excellent weekend of entertainment and enjoyment. We look forward to updating you again soon!

Waiting expectantly...

The Mascot was the lucky one this evening!

Half-time shoot-outs!

For some (foreground) the action is too much to bear...
Getting autographs after the game!

Bristol Flyer players enjoyed the privilege of being photographed with our boarders, who were most displeased...
Seated for the Burns Night supper!
The Scot and his Sporran!
The Procession...

...was followed by marking the arrival of the Haggis.

A fine fare was prepared for the boarders and staff.

There was scope at half-time for practising the bag-pipes as Katya, Monica, Lala and Hoho demonstrate.

This was followed by a toast for the Lassies...
...then the Laddies!
Boarders gathering in the Sports Hall for a traditional Ceilidh celebration!
The briefing and final preparations, before the 'real thing' (videos below).