Monday 5 December 2016

Westwood Advent Celebrations

A lovely festive weekend in Westwood.  All the children helped to put up the Christmas trees and lights in the house.  On Sunday we had a really nice trip to Whitehall Garden Centre along with the rest of the South-West!!

 Along with a myriad of festive gifts and displays there are a number of tableaux which reflect Christmas images across the ages.

One of the very best features of the garden centre - along with its impressive collection of chain saws and garden machinery - is the excellent ice rink which was really well used by some brilliant Westwood skaters.

 Note the fine style of Vic as he attempts to land his double toe loop.

 Oscar makes full use of all the facilities and ensures that the equipent is safe for the younger children to use.

 Henri is a little more vigorous.

 Dario uses his native Mexican skills on the ice - clearly a natural.

 Advent Service and Dinner
After a lovely Advent Service in which Karan read really well, we all adjourned to the Dining Hall for a special meal served by the catering staff.  Mezze followed by lamb shank and chocolate brownie - not on the same plate!!
Isabella enjoying the Advent dinner.
Westwood are joined by a number of distinguished guests and Mr Webb

boys and girls looked really smart for the evening.

All the boarding community come together to share in the festive spirit.