Sunday 24 April 2016

Sunshine, blossom, tennis and the cinema

Summer was fleetingly in Bath. The Magnolia at the front of the house looked resplendent in full bloom and a good number of the Westwood boarders took the opportunity to get on court this morning prior to Brunch.

 Bath in Bloom!
 Gearing up for some mixed doubles

 A leisurely game in the sunshine enjoyed by Abi and Poppy
 Kiera's killer serve!
 Ayooluwa ready to pounce at the net

 Classy forehand, Ritika.
 Charlie giving a coaching tip!

Rohan lets rip with a big serve!
 Off to town in gorgeous sunshine - check out the shades!

We all enjoyed Disney's Zootropolis this afternoon at the Odeon. Good amounts of popcorn and other cinema snacks were also consumed. Back in the House about to buckle down to some prep and tidying! Best wishes from Westwood.