Sunday 3 May 2015

Marble cake and the cinema

Another hectic weekend draws to a close in Westwood. Some pupils have just headed off for a swim. others to the tennis courts -  Sunday evening rituals in the Summer Term. The weekend saw girls playing tennis against Dauntsey's and the boys playing cricket at Clifton College. During Saturday evening, Agnès baked with some of the girls; her delicious Marble Cake which went down a treat.

After a hearty breakfast, all the boarders played bench ball and our guests from South Africa showed silky skills. Here is a photo of the winning team in the boarders' lounge reflecting on their victories.
We dodged the showers this afternoon on our way to and from town to see the blockbuster, Avengers: Age of Ultron in the company of Mrs Cook. Serious quantities of popcorn were consumed by many. No need for Tuck tonight! If you want to see a trailer for the film use the following hyperlink.