As the half-term draws nearer, our boarders continue to
immerse themselves fully in the weekly routine of school life. This past weekend,
following another physically challenging but rewarding morning / afternoon of
sports fixtures, our boarders traversed the cultured streets of Bath in pursuit
of fine food and indulgent goods! Upon their return, the evening’s
entertainment saw the swashbuckling prowess of Captain Jack Sparrow in action as
we watched the final film of the pentalogy: Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s
Popcorn eased the occasionally darkened mood as the depths of sea-laden
desolation were breached, dissipated only by the relief and rejoicing of beloved
character reunions and an invariable ‘happily ever after’ ending.
Sunday was no exception to the boarder’s weekend adventures,
with an all-day trip to Thorpe Park. Our boarders embraced the day with
unsurprising enthusiasm and really enjoyed spending time with each other as
they participated in an all altogether different kind of experience.
The beginning of an adventure... |
'Samurai' - Not for the faint-hearted! |
From giant water-slides... |
  | fun-filled roller-coasters! |
Angel, Hohona and Ryan planning what to do next! |
Ryan very much enjoying his Burger King lunch, flanked by Monica and Vlad... |
'Saw' - Facing your fears... |
Mrs. Curtis putting the 'Sun' in Sunday! |
(In contrast) Mr. Chua: "Is it time to go yet?" |
'Stealth' by sunset... |
Departing: A skyline to behold... |
Mr. Duke was delighted with his Gold Medal Award from Thorpe Park, bringing the day to a close! |
For our boarders, the hope of adventure became the path of adventure. As the
final week unfolds, our students look forward to a well-deserved rest over
the half-term holidays. We wish them all a safe trip home; may a time of
recuperation and renewal follow, before Episode VII marks the next stage in their
journey to a galaxy far, far away…