Monday, 19 June 2017

Westwood Sports Day

Thursday June 16th

Last Thursday we held our annual Sports day on The upper Athletics track.  All the children in Westwood - over 200 - competed in at least two events each.

 The House colours are;
Green - Posnett
Blue - Cusworth
Yellow - Hamilton
Red - Beckford

 Sports Day records were broken by;
Sterling Smith - Yr 7 girls 200m
Peter Rees - Jones - Yr 7 boys 200m
Cusworth - Yr 7 boys 4x100m 

 The overall Results were as follows

Victor Ludorum Cup - Liam Toner
Victrix Ludorum Cup - Maya Lane

Girls House Cup - Beckford
Boys House cup  - Posnett

Congratulations to all the children for their excellent performances and support.