The Art of Ligretto
A game requiring quick hands!
Jungle Speed
Ritika shows good reactions to snatch the Totem |
All the girls braved Siberian wind chill factor in their House hockey matches playing in either the A or B teams. In Year 7 Beckford came out on top, but in Year 8 Hamilton was the victor. The bacon butties which followed warmed everyone up. Most of the house descended into town in the company of prefects, Dexter and Thea this afternoon. Sarah Brandstätter introduced Westwood this evening to the fun of the card games Jungle Speed
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jungle_Speed and Ligretto; the latter is a frenzy of card turning and pile building; Dexter and Tomiwo formed a winning partnership with Ong and Dima in hot pursuit. The film tonight is Jupiter Ascending.