4 staff, 32 pupils (from 5 different countries: England, South Africa, Russia, Hong Kong, Nepal), 10 tents, 50 burgers, 50 sausages, 120 rashers of bacon, 100 rolls & baps, 300 marshamllows, great weather, one small foot injury (well done Sam!), and a very large 'campfire.'
Mix the above together well by putting in minibus & driving off road to the campsite (don't worry if contents get slightly shaken). Unload the above, stand back and expect chaos for half an hour. Expect pupils to follow own method of erecting tents, rather than published instructions. Inspect final results. If ok, proceed to barbeque & games (ignore 'helpful' advice from South Africans on the former!). Go to A&E if stitches required to foot injury. Following food, light 'campfire.' Stand well back. When flames die down, distribute marshmallows and the longest stick possible on which to put them. Cook and eat. Bedtime for all, good night needed - off to the beach the next day!
Our campsite (aka the Upper playing fields).
Before .....
After ....
Not a bad job putting up tents ... in the end!
The girls relax after a job well done. No prizes for guessing what the topic of conversation is...
One of the staff takes it easy...
... in preparation to light the 'campfire' (many thanks to Kingswood's groundstaff for preparing this).
Before ...

Mrs M admires her efforts while pupils relax and wait for the marshmallows.
Sticks at the ready for marshmallows.
The next day, off to Weston Super Mare.Fish and chips on the seafront to round off the weekend.
Many thanks to all the pupils for great company & behaviour, but especially to Mr Duke, Miss Muller and Miss Marie for accompanying the trip.